Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing Blog : Fail

Editing Disappointment

     Today we didn’t really do much in class. It started off by us sitting and waiting for any instructions. We’ve already started our story boards, our topic, and we’ve filmed most of our scenes. All that is left to do is to edit. I was excited to start editing but I was kind of disappointed when our teacher told us to write a blog after she told that the editing programs aren’t working. We had all of our files ready so today felt kind of like a waste of a day.
     Instead of editing as planned, we uploaded the photos that we dumped on to the computer into Google Drive. We did this to easily access our footage from our phones instead of relying on the 2010 computers that they have here in our campus. Editing was supposed to start today. We probably would’ve started off by dragging all of our footage on to pinnacle studios and begin to organize. After that we probably start dropping clips on the track in chronological order. Then we would’ve began to cut down the clips and to start begin to start making our commercial look like our storyboard. After this we probably would’ve start to add effects and filters to give the commercial the vintage vibe we were looking for. To be honest, me and our partner need one more scene to finish the commercial. We haven’t picked out any music or done any type of voice overs because thats what we were planning on doing today. Today has been a disappointment.
     To wrap up my thoughts, im kind of disappointed about the fact we couldn’t edit today. I hope our school figure out a way to fix the problem with the editing software.Im sure it was due to the fact that our computers are ancient. Probably the fact that the school internet is really bad so thats probably a reason why the editing software isn’t working. Well on Wednesday the computer software might work so i really hope we can being to edit. Editing should be really fun and a good way to lay down my ideas in the form of a video. Shooting footage on Thursday was fun so i hope editing is too.

Alright this is lucas, imma head out✌️

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