Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog : Vans Commercial

Film Blog Experience 10/24/19

     On Thursday, me and my partner filmed our scenes for our AICE Media Studies commercial project. Me and my partner went around our campus and we filmed various scenes for our commercial. Before we even begun filming, we received our equipment. We received a tripod, an SD card, and a camcorder. We also received a pass to go out on campus and film. Me and my partner had to sign a liability form to make sure we are responsible for the equipment that we received. Right after we went through the process of picking everything up, we headed to film our scenes.
     We brought various props, a skateboard, a shoulder bad, and Vans apparel, to use in our commercial. After messing with the skateboard for around 5 min, we set up the tripod and began to film our first scene. The first scene consisted of me standing on top of a stairwell posing with the skateboard. After figuring out how to zoom, we zoomed into the shoe for the same shot. The next scene consisted of me and my partner hanging up the vans apparel on the railing on campus. We did this to create like a vintage kind of vibe. We did a pan to show all of the apparel that we brought for this commercial. Next we went to a place in my campus called the senior patio. We laid out all of the clothes we had and posed next to it for this next shot. Right after this we decided it’d be smart to film our title screen due to location. Our last scene was a person skating in front of a piece of art that we have located in campus. Before we did this a security guard in our school told us that we can’t skate through the campus and we realized we had all the footage we needed anyway. After this we headed back to our classroom.
       This entire process took about an hour because we also filmed lots of extra shots that we may use for the commercial. This was a really fun learning experience to skate and to film in our campus because we had the opportunity to use unfamiliar equipment and learning more about it. After we finished filming, me and my partner checked all of the equipment back in the classroom and we started to “dump” our footage. We took out the SD card out of the camera and plugged that in the computer and saved all of our footage on the computer. We will continue to film some more shots that we need for our commercial on Monday. We will also continue to edit our commercial on Monday and on Wednesday. Overall, filming and producing a commercial is pretty entertaining and me and my partner will continue this experience on Monday.

Alright blog viewers, im gonna go to sleep, peace ✌️

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