As I said in my previous blogs, I'm filming this weekend. I've confirmed with my friend that we are filming. Today, I actually checked out a camera and my tripod. So we secured the location so we are going to film there on Sunday. I might need additional help but I think if i really push myself, i can film and edit so i can have it ready by Tuesday for the peer review. This last weekend was not as efficient as i'd like it to be so this weekend i want it to be as efficient as possible. I want to film and edit by next week so it can be ready. Filming should be a good process but i want to film. I need to film in order to get the grade for this class. In all honesty, I've been a little irresponsible due to the fact that we had 2 other weekends and I still have not started filming. These past 2 weekends have been pretty busy so what i need to do is just focus and film this weekend. No excuses for me this weekend. Even though i did some stuff over the weekend, i need to get on my grind this weekend. Some family is over so its been a little hard to film but this weekend, no excuses. This is the final part of my grade so i need to get on my