Thursday, November 21, 2019

Music Video : Storyboard

We are currently in the pre-production phase. Last blog i discussed the plan and development ideas of the music video. Before we begin filming we first must compose a storyboard. We don't want to waste anytime during the duration of this whole process. Lucas and I want a darker more mysterious feel to the music video. We want it to capture pain, depression, anxiety, and stress but with a good color scheme and flow. We kind of want it to release a euphoric feeling with a slightly psychedelic undertone to it. The subject has emotional and mental issues  which reflex on to the video.
The first twelve seconds are multiple jump cut shots of buildings and places that introduces the city vibe into the commercial. The fist twelve seconds will be filmed at different locations.

They will also be filmed at different times of day. Scene two, seconds thirteen to nineteen are a medium close up shot of half the subjects face and body shown. The subject is looking straight ahead with no emotions. behind the subject is a beautiful sky after the sunsets. We hope we can get a good shoot of the sky having an ocean blue look to it. We really want to execute that gloomy look we want.
Scene seconds twenty to twenty-seven will be over shoulder shots of society. People will be laughing, being happy, and talking. We hope scenes like this introduce the depression portion of the music video. Scene three, seconds twenty-eight to thirty-three will be the subject walking down a dark ally way or hall. We have to make sure we are cautious and safe throughout the whole process and we are still looking for the perfect location to film this scene.

Scene four, seconds thirty-four to forty will be a tracking shot of the subject running.
Once the subject stops running it will look confused as if it does not know where it is.
That will become scene fives part, seconds forty to forty-two will be a close-up dutch shot of the subject falling backwards which will be the transition of the next scene. Scene six, seconds forty-three to forty-four will be the subject in the bed sitting up. Scene seven, seconds forty-five to forty-seven will be a small pan of the subjects close-up. Scene eight, seconds forty-nine to fifty will be a close-up of the subject standing during the day and night showing how everything feels the same everyday, all the time. Scene nine, seconds fifty to 60 or one minute will be the subject standing in rain crying. Scene ten, minute 1:01 to 1:04 will be the subject over the shoulder shot looking at orange pill capsules. Scene eleven, minutes 1:05 to 1:08 is a medium shot of the subject dancing around finally being happy. Scene twelve, minutes 1:08-1:09 will be multiple jump shots of a close up of the subjects facial expressions. Scene thirteen will be the title of the song with the names of my partner and I.

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